Friday, June 17, 2005

Theatre-viewing Down

According to an article on the CBC's website, less people go to the theatre to see a film these days. Apparently, most Canadians prefer to watch films at home.

Here's the article:

I can add some input to this. The article suggests that the slump could be due to some poor products this year. Possibly...but Cinderella Man, Batman Begins, Finding Neverland, and Star Wars: Revenge of The Sith are all some pretty good film releases.

Here's my two cents: People talk during films in the theatres, and not everyone likes the audio commentary option on a film.

It is a usual anxiety for me that everytime I go to the theatre, I fear that someone will spend the entire time commenting out loud on the film. I think it's fair to say that this happens at least 50% of the time that I go to the theatre. On at least three separate occasions over the past three years, I've asked someone to keep it down. That's more times than I've asked noisy neighbours to keep it down.

Maybe this IS something that is driven by home media. Perhaps people are used to hanging out at home and watching videos where they have the private convenience to comment as they like during the film. I would agree that this is an appropriate place to talk during the movie. The problem is that these same people bring that mentality to the theatre.

I am firmly convinced that most people who talk during films in the theatre do not actually intend to be bothersome. It's just that no one has ever said to them, please do not talk during the film. Occasionally, I will see a notice before a film in the theatre that asks people to be quiet during the film, but I do not see them half as much as I do see requests to turn off cell-phones. This is certainly a justifiable announcement, but a ringing cellphone does not bother me half as much as someone punctuating a silent moment during a film with "I'd have my sword out right now."

Every year, I always make sure to go over this with my students. Please do not talk during a film in the theatre. If I want the audio commentary option, I'll wait and pay for the DVD. I did not pay the theatre to get audio commentary during the film.

Anyhow, this is my additional suggestion as to why less people are going to theatres. They simply do not want to have their film experience interrupted by their neighbour in the theatre.


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