Monday, June 21, 2004

Ad Campaigns

If you haven't checked out the ad campaigns for the Liberal and Conservative parties nowadays, you're missing out on some interesting advertising.

I checked both the Liberal and Conservative websites, and neither of them actually have the ads that I'm thinking about, but check out these pages anyways, if you like. Maybe they'll post the ads I'm thinking of eventually.

Anyhow, what ads am I exactly talking about? The Liberals have a widely televised ad that discusses the Conservative Party's stance on military involvement in Iraq. As the ad presents this idea, it depicts a gun pointed directly at the screen; by extension, at you, the viewer. Yes, nothing like rallying the people of Canada, by instilling them with the fear of being held at gunpoint. :P

In a very recent Conservative ad (likely as a reaction to comments made by an audience member at a Stephen Harper rally prior to the federal debates), the Conservative party asks you to forget Preston Manning and the Reform Party; forget Stockwell Day and the Canadian Alliance; and forget Brian Mulroney. Yes, forget...go to sleep...forget what this party stands Conservative...go back to sleep...:P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most interesting part of the Liberal ad you speak of (which should be somewhere on their site, I've seen it) is the subliminal message of the gun actually firing at the audience. What's also interesting is that the gun registry is only for rifles and shotguns--- handguns, as the ad suggests, have actually been registered since 1934.

Check out the link for pics and the full story:


9:37 p.m.  

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